CH Pinup's Wicked Pissa NS "Boston"

Boston is our keeper pup from our Reggie X Sanuye litter in 2020. He was born just before the start of Covid so unfortunately had a bit of an unusual start in life. Once some restrictions were lifted, Boston headed to try some Sprinter performance where he quickly picked up his first performance title.
With dog shows starting up again in mid-2021, Boston hit the show ring and quickly finished his championship undefeated - as my first drop-eared champion as well as being the number 2 Min Pin in Canada for the year! He has since been maturing and will hit the ring again in 2024 to work towards his Grand Championship.
Boston is fully health tested (as recommended by the MPCA) and has obtained his OFA CHIC number. His full results can be viewed on the OFA website. He is available at stud to approved females.